Wednesday, July 28, 2010

27 Weeks Pregnant

27 Weeks Pregnant

Weight: 122.6 (+17.6 from starting weight, +1.4 from last week)

Symptoms: backache, heartburn, trouble sleeping, nausea, acne

How I am Feeling:  I am getting so big that I have been having trouble sleeping at night. I can usually get in a few hours before tossing and turning the rest of the night. It makes me really tired and lazy during the day. 

Best Thing about Pregnancy: My 3rd trimester starts today. It is really amazing how the time has flown by. I only have 13 more weeks until my due date. I can't wait until the little one gets here.  

Worst Thing about Pregnancy: I think my hormones are changing again. I have been getting upset easily and feeling unhappy some days. 

Dan and I took a tour of Winnie Palmer on Monday. It was really great and I feel very comfortable having our baby there. They are really supportive of natural childbirth and promoting bonding right away. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Week 26

26 Weeks Pregnant

Weight: 121.2 (+16.2 from starting weight, +1.0 from last week)

Symptoms: tired, achy, round ligament pain, back ache, heartburn

How I am Feeling:  I am getting to be more uncomfortable everyday. 

Best Thing about Pregnancy: This morning I woke up laying on my stomach. My stomach was really achy and tight. I immediately worried about the baby. It was nice for the baby to give me a couple reassuring kicks to let me know everything is okay. 

Worst Thing about Pregnancy: I am feeling like my weight gain is getting a little out of control. This week was good, but I have to be careful what I am eating. I need to start exercising more. 

Weeks 25-28: Eggplant
Let your spouse put an ear to your belly -- he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 25

25 Weeks Pregnant

Weight: 120.2 (+15.2 from starting weight, +1.8 from last week)

Symptoms: heartburn, peeing every 10 minutes, aches, linea nigra, tired

How I am Feeling:  I still feel pretty good this week. The heartburn is getting pretty bad and I am sometimes waking up 2 or 3 times at night to use the bathroom in addition to having to wake up to roll over. I am really tired during the day as a consequence. 

Best Thing about Pregnancy: Dan and I are planning on doing the Bradley method for the birth. We have been reading some books lately to help us prepare. We read a chapter about the mechanics of labor and delivery, which apparently Dan knew nothing about. He was really funny about it. He is also really worried about baby all of the time, which is sweet. 

Worst Thing about Pregnancy: I am writing my weekly blog entry late this week because Dan's family is in town. That isn't the bad thing. I hate not being able to water ski or wake board or ride in the tube. Dan even worries about the baby when I ride in the front of the boat instead of the back. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 24

24 Weeks Pregnant

Weight: 118.4 (+13.4 from starting weight, +1.8 from last week)

Symptoms: heartburn, uncomfortable, tired, round ligament pain

How I am Feeling: I am still feeling pretty good. There are things that are getting difficult for me to do, like putting my shoes on and cleaning the windshield of my car. 

Best Thing about Pregnancy: Morgan and my mom are throwing me a baby shower on Aug. 14th. I am really excited about it. 

Worst Thing about Pregnancy: Things are still difficult with Dan. I know he is just trying to have fun before the baby comes and I have been really needy since leaving my job. We're not on the same page right now and that is rough. 

Today is another big milestone in the pregnancy. It's viability day for the baby. The baby would have a good chance of surviving should it need to be born. I haven't had any reason to think the baby need to come early, but it is still nice.